Saturday, May 14, 2011

HAARP - The Instrument of Destruction

In 1988, Star Trek: The Next Generation aired an episode called, "The Arsenal of Freedom." The Enterprise was ordered to the Lorenz Cluster to discover the whereabouts of the USS Drake which was sent there to determine why all intelligent life had suddenly vanished from the planet Minos. Captain Picard beamed down and discovered an automated weapon system with a holographic salesman who claimed that the weapon system represented the state of the art in dynamic, adaptive design. "Once unleashed," the salesman proudly said, "the machine is invincible. It is the perfect killing system."
As the cold truth of what happened to the planet's inhabitants struck Picard , he uttered, "Too perfect, you poor fools. Your own creation destroyed you."
Fastforward now to Alaska, 1999 where the worlds of fiction and fact have collided. The U.S. military has created a Tesla-like device, the High Altitude Auroral Research Project, known euphemistically as HAARP. But there is no angelic music emanating from this hellish instrument, a joint Air Force- Navy venture. In fact, some scientists believe that the mere test of the transmitter can cause irreversible harm to the environment.
According to patent applications, HAARP was created to manipulate the upper atmosphere of earth, to control the weather, and to disrupt communications over large areas. It could quite possibly be the prototype for a particle beam weapon with military applications -- one patent remains classified. HAARP is also expected to communicate with submarines submerged some 12,000 miles away.
At the risk of sounding Cassandra-like, many people believe that HAARP portends very bad things, for us and for our world. But how do we know? What evidence is there that bad things will happen from this scientific venture that attempts to direct the "highest levels of electromagnetic radiation ever transmitted on Earth" into the ionosphere, disrupting the upper atmosphere surrounding our planet? It's just an experiment, says the Air Force, "pure research." But what are the repercussions of such research? Nobody knows.
"What is clear," noted one study," is that at one gigawatt and aboveÖa variety of instability processes are triggered." By any stretch of the imagination, "instability processes" can only mean that the outcome is unpredictable. And that has got more than a few people worried.
A concerned reporter at OMNI magazine asked HAARP's inventor, MIT physicist Dr. Bernard Eastlund about HAARP'S destructive capabilities. To many, it is the instability of the project that poses the greatest threat. But apparently Eastlund could only foresee the whiz-bang science. "You can virtually lift part of the atmosphere," he told OMNI. "You can make it move, do things to it."
It does things, all right. But not always the things that the project engineers want it to do. Phase One of the HAARP Project has already been completed. One- to three-million volts of electrons were transmitted via an inverted cone into the ionosphere just "to see what will happen," according to one engineer. And we are now well into Phase Two.
None of us know what will happen in the future because of the HAARP Project, and that's part of the problem. According to environmental investigative reporter William Thomas, the previous electromagnetic experiments have already disrupted the path of the jet stream, resulting in weird weather all over the globe. Bewildered meteorologists who know nothing of HAARP and who cannot understand the dramatic weather changes in terms of traditional meteorology, innocently claim El Nino and La Nina as the cause. But are they? These weather wizards who spout the El Nino/La Nina theory could unknowingly be protecting dark projects such as HAARP from public scrutiny by promoting this seemingly innocent cover story. Meanwhile, the damage goes on.
Alaskan pilots fear the electronic navigation anomalies that will result from the HAARP tests, causing pilots to become deaf and dumb, if not blind, in the air. Or, they fear that their planes could suddenly plunge to the ground because of electrical interference. HAARP's project engineers claim to have handled that problem. However, after a number of crashes were linked to electrical interference, the Joint Electromagnetic Interference (JEMI) investigation revealed that "radio waves at certain frequencies can bring down an aircraft by putting it into an uncommanded turn or dive, or by turning off its fuel supply."
Others fear a disruption in communications as the power grid overloads, blacking out major cities -- a logical conclusion that even the U.S. Air Force acknowledges. In its official HAARP FACT SHEET the Air Force concludes that "ionospheric disturbances at high latitudes Ö act to induce large currents in electric power grids."
Alaskan residents are concerned about the carcinogenic emissions from the power lines and generators as even more powerful transmitters and antennae are added for future experiments.
But people everywhere should fear the group of scientists, military experts, and corporations like Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), who fund the project, who hold the profit potentials, and who have authority to decide how HAARP will be used. Public safety and environmental concerns seem to be last on their list of agendas. They are experimenting with a device that has the potential for global destruction, a device that can focus billions of watts of power into the ionosphere. Apparently, HAARP officials are willing to take the risks without knowing the full consequences on the world or its inhabitants. It's insanity.
Harvard-trained physicist Dr. Richard Williams, now working at Princeton, calls HAARP tests, "irresponsible acts of global vandalism." At a conference addressing fellow physicists, Williams warned that HAARP "might become a serious threat to the earth's atmosphere. With experiments on this scale," Williams said, "irreparable damage could be done in a short time."
Alaskan physician, Dr. Nick Begich, concurs. His book, ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP, co-written by investigative reporter Jeane Manning, contends that ever- increasing electromagnetic pulses could punch a hole in the planet's magnetic field, leaving us completely vulnerable to intense solar radiation.
The present hole in the Ozone is miniscule compared to the devastating potential of a massive rupture, the authors suggest. Yet there are even now ever-increasing reports of skin cancer and other carcinomas linked to current ozone depletion. What horror does the future hold? "Without the ionosphere's electrical shielding," Manning said, "our own sun would fry us with gamma radiation, X-rays and short wavelengths of UV light. We think that the holes in the ozone layer letting in some UV rays is bad. Wait'll we've got cosmic rays coming through at killing wavelengths." If HAARP further disrupts the ozone, the consequences could be dire, and deadly, the authors conclude.
HAARP has the potential to destroy virtually all life forms on earth -- not just the "intelligent" kind. And we have to make that qualified distinction because the principals involved in the HAARP project seem astonishingly unconcerned about the negative ramifications of their invention. Rather, they seem as giddy as children at Christmas time with their new toys. A "Plans and Activities" report jointly issued by the U.S. Air Force Geophysics Lab and Naval Research enthusiastically announced the "exciting and challenging aspect of ionospheric enhancement" of the HAARP Project.
It is the cacophony of madness.
But until the nightmarish dissonance of HAARP is heard by more people, nothing will change. And we will all have to ponder the consequence of our inactionÖ
If all life on earth begins to die, will anyone in space hear our screams?

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