History and Applications of HAARP Technologies:
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
By: Patrick Bailey and Nancy Worthington
An updated and revised version of a paper originally submitted in June 1997 to the 1997 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, the 32nd IECEC, held July 27 - August 1, 1997, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Posted to the Pegasus Website with the permission of authors.
Patrick G. Bailey
Institute for New Energy
P. O. Box 201
Los Altos, CA 94023-0201
Nancy C. Worthington
AUM Foundation
P. O. Box 201
Los Altos, CA 94023-0201
A serious review of HAARP is presented. On the surface, HAARP appears to be a nice military "scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere". Upon further investigation, HAARP appears to be filled with secrecy and fraught with possible severe dangers. Attempts to reopen an official assessment of this program and its old out-dated unclassified Environmental Impact Statement have thus far failed. HAARP appears to be in use by ARCO to sell natural gas to the military that would otherwise be trapped in Alaska. The HAARP patents imply that Billions of Watts could easily be used to power HAARP, with no or few equipment upgrades. The patents are now owned by a major military contractor. Many of the possible applications, as stated in the actual patents supporting HAARP, would be classified. An Independent Review Committee needs to be formed to access the possible dangers of the various real and possibly classified HAARP projects. This Committee needs to be independent from US Federal politics, Alaska state politics, the US military, and ARCO oil interests, and would probably need to report to both the Congress and the Senate. There is a great need to form this Review Committee, and the time to form it is NOW!
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) looks like a harmless research project - especially when first viewed from a limited exterior viewpoint. However, when viewed from a wider perspective and with more detailed supporting data and information, HAARP begins to look more complex and even very secret and covert. It is not the intent of this paper to debate or discredit the existing project. Rather, it is the intention of this paper to raise honest questions and concerns about an on-going project whose actual operation may indeed be secret. As free citizens, it is our duty to openly question and find out what we are allowing others to do, especially if they can affect us on a large-scale and perhaps on a world-wide basis!
Information on HAARP has come primarily from the following major sources: (1) The official HAARP Project Information and Data (HAARP Home Page, current); (2) the "HAARP HF Active Auroral Research Program Joint Services Program Plans And Activities" (HAARP, Feb. 1990); (3) A book by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning that outline the status and possible dangers of HAARP (Begich and Manning, 1995); (4) a summary of that book in an Australian review article entitled "HAARP: Vandalism in the Sky?" (Nexus Mag., Jan. 1996); (5) the Patents that been identified that support HAARP (Patents, IBM, current); (6) other related information from the internet, such as the "Alternate HAARP Page" (Padberg, J., current), "The HAARP Game Home Page" (unauthored, current), and "HAARP: Specific Project Goals Taken From The Major HAARP Patent With Comments" (unauthored, Sept. 1996); and (7) on-going internet website information and UseNet postings found using search engines on HAARP.
Further detailed information can also be obtained in a continuing newsletter on this topic (Begich, N., current).
It must be truthfully recalled that in almost all of the US military programs of the past 20 years or so, the public has been allowed to know only a small amount of the information that was really known about those programs - and the public was certainly told none of the dangers involved. From the Trinity atomic bomb tests, to other nuclear blast tests, to the storage of high-level nuclear wastes, to the use of chemicals in Vietnam, to the use of chemicals in Iraq, to the effects of high velocity aircraft being used today - the public was told nothing of the dangers, and later had to live with - and are now living with - the consequences.
What about possible negative consequences of HAARP?
It may be that our best source of future data regarding the truth about HAARP will only come from the internet.
While it is important to support our country's military and our own national defense, it is more important to question the effects of our research projects and the authority of those in whom we have placed our trust. It is not only our right, IT IS OUR DUTY!
It is hoped that data will also come from those involved with the truth and details of the real operational goals of the project.
Purpose and Objectives of HAARP
The official "Purpose and Objectives of the HAARP Program" are given in their website home page (HAARP Home Page, current):
"HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.
The HAARP program is committed to developing a world class ionospheric research facility consisting of:
The ionospheric research instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the HF frequency range.
The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.
Diagnostic instruments that will be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.
Observation of the processes resulting from the use of the IRI in a controlled manner will allow scientists to better understand processes that occur continuously under the natural stimulation of the sun.
In addition, diagnostics installed at the HAARP facility will be useful for a variety of other research purposes including the study of global warming and ozone depletion."
Frequently Asked Questions
In an attempt to answer all questions regarding the possible negative and harmful effects of HAARP, the HAARP home website provides in its "Frequently Asked Questions" page:
"Q: Are there any health hazards due to fields produced by HAARP?
A: The health and safety of the public (and of the scientific researchers who will be present at the site) has been a primary focus in the design of the HAARP IRI. There are no locations on-site where the E-M fields exceed safety standards for RFR exposure as defined by IEEE/ANSI C95.1-1992 and NCRP Report No 86. In fact, the E-M fields measured at the closest public access to the site are lower than those existing in many urban environments. We have provided a more detailed look at this issue in a separate page on HAARP E-M Safety.
Q: Will HAARP be used to generate ELF?
A: Previous experience at other facilities has shown that it is possible to generate a small but useful ELF signal through ionospheric heating. This field will be more than one and a half billion times weaker than the Earth's background field and about one million times weaker than the level where researchers have reported biological effects in the literature. The field is so weak, in fact, that sophisticated instruments must be used to observe it, yet it is still quite useful for many applications. Also see the ELF section for a thorough discussion of this aspect of ionospheric research.
Q: What about radio frequency interference?
A: Analyses conducted during the environmental impact process suggest that radio frequency interference could occur for receiver systems that operate in the areas surrounding Gakona. However, other facilities similar to the HAARP IRI and its diagnostic instruments have achieved compatibility with other users of the radio frequency environment. The government is committed to achieve compatibility with other users of the electromagnetic spectrum and an electromagnetic compatibility program has been established to assure this goal is achieved.
Q: How large will the HAARP IRI be when it is complete?
A: When it is completed, the HAARP IRI will consist of 180 antennas on a total land area of about 23 acres. The final facility will have a total transmitter power of about 3,600 killowatts. This is the last phase of the project and is the maximum size that was approved (and the maximum size that can be constructed) in accordance with the Environmental Impact Process. We have provided a comparison of the various phases of the IRI throughout the program, from the initial prototype up to and including the final facility.
Q: Can HAARP be used for military purposes?
A: The HAARP facility will be used for basic and applied research related to the study of the Earth's ionosphere. It is not designed to be an operational system for military purposes. The HAARP specifications were developed by a consortium of universities to meet the requirements for a world-class research facility and an expanded group of universities are playing a major role in the design of future research efforts. Administratively, HAARP is restricted to operate only on a "not to interfere" (NIB) basis by the NTIA and is classified as an experimental station in the NTIA spectrum certification document."
It is a major concern of many scientists and researchers that perhaps these questions and answers do not cover all of the ground that the HAARP Program itself plans to cover during its operations in future years - especially when the power dramatically increases!.
On Nov. 3, 1993, the U.S. Air Force announced that the prime contractor on the first phase of the HAARP project was ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI). At the time the project was put out for bids, APTI was a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Oil Company (ARCO) and owned the patent rights to various patents pertaining to the HAARP project, such as those invented by Bernard J. Eastlund. How did a small subsidiary get the military contract for such a large project? One that was five times large than APTI's annual budget? The answer seems to lie in the patents owned at the time by APTI.
And why should ARCO be interested or involved?
ARCO is one of the largest employers in Alaska, where it is primarily involved in the North Slope oil fields. As ARCO oil is a major industry there, the Alaska State government has been very supportive of the HAARP Program. The University of Alaska has also benefited from this program in several ways, and would also be supportive of HAARP. (Begich and Manning, 1995).
In those ARCO oil fields, the natural gas is re-injected into the Earth rather than "flared" off or produced for use, as done in most other oil fields around the world. The re-injected gas increases the oil field pressure and thus creates enhanced oil production. No market for this natural gas exists, as it would be very expensive to pipe it from there to market in the US. The HAARP site is close to an already granted right-of-way for a future Trans-Alaska gas Pipeline! All of the significant regulatory hurdles have been passed for constructing the gas line should markets be found. Does HAARP and its possible military mission represent a huge natural gas market for ARCO?
At its present stage, HAARP does not represent a high energy consumer in terms of input power for ARCO. The first two phases of the project may not have consumed more than one to ten megaWatts of power. HOWEVER: What about the future? If the project follows the plans outlined in the patents and what the project planners may want, the power demands could SHARPLY increase - to ARCO's advantage. The patents talk about using billions of Watts of power. The HAARP Home Page references 3.6 billion Watts! Who would stop such a project if it its power levels got that far?
And the story gets more involved. After the HAARP contact was awarded to APTI, APTI was sold to E-Systems in June 1994, under undisclosed terms. That is interesting in that APTI is reported to have shown no net income since it opened in the late 1980's. E-Systems changed the name of the company to Advanced Power Technologies Incorporated (a different APTI, yet the same spelling as in the patents), and assumed control of the patents and the HAARP project. E-systems is also one of the largest intelligence contractors in the U.S. The value in this sale seems to be the patents and the HAARP contract.
In 1995, Raytheon Corporation was reported to have bought and acquired E-Systems for $2.3 Billion (Wall Street Journal, 1995). Raytheon is a very large company with several large military contacts, some of course classified. What is Raytheon doing with HAARP? The value of the HAARP program may only be found in its patents.
"ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI) held twelve patents, all of which were linked to Star Wars defense systems. APTI was the main contractor on the first phase of the HAARP project. These patents represented technologies which were inconsistent with the normal activities of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), the patent organization of APTI. In ARCO's 1994 annual report, no mention of APTI or the HAARP contract was found. Apparently ARCO was not in the kind of technology and military construction contacting business suggested by this technology. APTI was an anomalous subsidiary of ARCO, with ARCO having no real expertise, outside of APTI, for developing these kinds of patents." "This writer believes that ARCO did not want to be involved in the defense industry development of these patents. After all, they were just looking for a market for natural gas. Gas on the North Slope of Alaska was the issue for ARCO. The cost of a pipeline and related facilities needed to move the gas to southern Alaska was estimated at more than $20 billion, pricing the gas out of the market. So APTI acquired the twelve patents and a potentially lucrative market." (Begich and Manning, 1995, pp. 111-124).
An information packet containing all twelve patents is available (Begich, N., current).
For your information and for public release, here are those twelve patents. Note carefully the titles.
HAARP PATENTS (Assigned to APTI, Inc.)
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